How to draw an ice cream

How to draw an ice cream
Learn to draw a big ice cream with cool drawings instructions easily and step by step and a video tutorial. Now you can easily create a beautiful ice cream drawing. Ice cream, a frozen preparation made of sweet milk, is popular worldwide. Its origins are old; the snow mixed with honey and fruit was sold in the markets of Athens, Greece. Marco Polo explorer first brought the idea of ”fictional” in Europe from China during the 21st century. In the seventeenth century, successful ice cream shops were created in France. The ice cream was first contained in a cone in the 19th century but was popularized during the 1904 World Fair in Saint-Louis, Missouri, America, with the legend that the ice seller lacked bowls.
He asked a nearby Waffle seller, whom he sold little due to heat if he could bend his waffles to form a container, and the Gauger cone was born. Ice cream differs in several parts of the world. For example, you can find unusual flavors in Japan, such as sesame seeds or Sakura flowers. In Iran, a frozen dessert is made of vermicelli noodles and rose water, based on real rose petals, served with pistachio nuts and lime juice. Specialized stores often make ice cream just below the client’s eyes, using liquid nitrogen to freeze the ingredients quickly. Do you want to draw an ice cream? Now you can, with this easy drawing tutorial, step by step.
Drawing Ice Cream
Step 1:
Start by drawing a way as a letter “V” using two straight lines. It describes the lower part of the ice cream horn.
Step 2:
Connect the upper part of the “V” using a curved line. Draw another curved line just up, parallel to the first. Connect the lines using short lines at each end. It forms the next part of the cone.
Step 3:
Draw a long curved line on each side of the ice cream horn. It will describe the upper part of the cone.
Step 4:
Connect the lines using a curved line. Draw another curved line just up, parallel to the first. Connect the lines using short lines at each end. It forms the upper edge of the cone.
Step 5:
Add an ice cream ball. It contains a circular shape whose lower part is hidden in the upper part of the cone.
Step 6:
Draw another preliminary circle, partly hidden by the foremost. Then join another circular shape between this spoon and the cone.
Step 7:
Add details to the ice cream horn. Draw two curved horizontal lines through the central part of the cone. Then, use curved lines to draw a picture pattern at the bottom of the cone.
Step 8:
Complete your ice cream. Hold a weird shape at the shelter of each circle using a wavy curved line. It indicates a tasty sauce.
Step 9:
Turn on small circles and ovals to indicate the sides of the ice cream. Draw the short lines and curves slightly to add ice cream texture.
Step 10:
Color your ice cream. What flavor do you like the most? Chocolate ice cream is generally brown; the vanilla is white; the strawberry is pink. There are also many other flavors: green mint, orange sorbet, and even blue and yellow superman ice cream.
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