Artificial Intelligence In Ecommerce: 4 Useful Applications

1. Use wearable technologies to increase sales.
We’re all aware of how significant mobile is in e-commerce sales.
According to Shopify, mobile traffic surpassed all other channels as the leading source of eCommerce traffic in 2016. The implications for eCommerce businesses are numerous as items such as the Apple Watch, FitBit, and other forms of wearable electronics enter the market.
So, how does wearable technology help eCommerce platforms? Because wearables offer a remarkable potential to capture data that goes beyond what eCommerce platforms can now achieve.
Some wearable technologies can track what things you look at, identify your preferences, and make customised purchase recommendations right away.
Measurement of data
When you throw in physical data like vital statistics, measurements, and pupil dilation rate, the level of personalization that can be achieved is absolutely astounding.
Amazon Go already promises to transform a customer’s purchasing experience by eliminating the need for cash. Wearables eliminate the need for customers to take out their wallet; it’s the key to a checkout-free shopping experience.
As shops improve the consumer experience with data, AI integration will be at the heart of any future development. To stay in touch with their growing worldwide client base, forward-thinking eCommerce businesses will surely seek out new partnerships with the greatest AI technologies.
2. Enhance communication systems.
Amazon has begun to apply artificial intelligence to well-known challenges with dialogue systems, including speech recognition, natural language interpretation, and question answering.
Moreover, Amazon, for example, can effectively transform speech (said by customers) to text with accurate results by using a class of machine learning algorithms called as ‘deep learning.’
Besides, Amazon is also employing AI to solve the problem of automatically answering inquiries by leveraging content on website pages such as product descriptions and customer reviews.
For example, a consumer would inquire, “How many USB ports does this laptop have?”
“Does this camera work indoors?” is a more complicated question. or “Which of these two televisions has the superior image quality?”
AI is allowing eCommerce companies to engage with their customers in unprecedented ways.
3. Deal with phoney reviews.
Any seasoned internet retailer can tell you about at least one bad experience with phoney reviews for their product.
Every day, consumers are bombarding with an excess of advertising, which can become overwhelming and cause them to procrastinate making decisions. This is where word-of-mouth has shown to be extremely useful.
If a customer’s friend has bought your product and had a good experience, the consumer is likely to buy it as well.
Indeed, according to a recent study by Dimensional Research, 90 percent of respondents who recalled reading online reviews said that good online reviews influenced their purchasing decisions.
How review affect customer
More crucially, 86 percent reported that negative online reviews influenced their purchasing decisions.
What if the reviews aren’t genuine? They can solve all those problem with artificial intelligence, and here’s how:
The practise of fabricating bogus reviews is known as ‘astroturfing,’ and it is common on numerous websites and services, including Amazon.
Astroturfing is defined as the act of fabricating or publishing a fake or deceptive review that a reasonable buyer would mistake for a credible and neutral third-party endorsement.
In the realm of online buying, customer reviews have become the cornerstone of trust. Where people cannot personally inspect things before purchasing them, ratings and reviews from users who have allegedly purchased them previously can make or break a product.
AI example of International Company
Certain eCommerce companies is using artificial intelligence to combat astroturfing by emphasising verified and useful reviews.
Amazon use artificial intelligence to combat fraudulent product reviews and inflate its popular star ratings.
Its AI machine-learning engine, which was developed in-house, ensures that authenticated consumer purchase reviews are given more prominence and weight.
There is also a preference for evaluations that have been flagged as useful by other users, as well as newer and more recent critiques on the site. To detect phoney reviews, the company examines many review criteria such as ratings on a regular basis. They are crucial to the corporation since they aid in the development of client trust in Amazon.
4. Fight against counterfeit goods.
Product, brand, and category factors, like bogus reviews (#17 on the list above), might help you spot counterfeit products.
It might be difficult for the average shopper to spot a counterfeit goods from a third-party seller when exploring vast online marketplaces. When a customer buys a product that appears to be genuine but fails to deliver, it can leave a sour taste in their mouth and negatively damage their opinion of the brand.
So, how can eCommerce merchants combat counterfeit goods?
A Chicago-based startup 3PM Marketplace Solutions adds a layer of protection for brands by implementing machine learning algorithms that detect counterfeits and assist businesses in understanding how to discover their items.
The IT company then analyses data from a variety of online markets to discover whether products are counterfeit. A fascinating and practical way of tackling the unpleasant problem of counterfeit products with artificial intelligence.
Factors including an account’s posting rate, the type of things it sells, and even potentially fraudulent reviews on listed items are all utilised to lead to a counterfeiter, according to Rob Dunkel, the creator of the software start-up. Clients can then file accusations with an online marketplace like eBay or Amazon to have the shady counterfeit products removed.
Source: ecommerce business , ecommerce store