Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: know the reasons and how to treat it

Hemorrhoids are a harrowing situation where the patient also feels itchiness and discomfort. It has the common condition of swollen veins in the anus and rectum.
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are prevalent.
The report says that more than 50% of pregnant women face the problem of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy.
Usually, Hemorrhoids develop during the third trimester. If you also face bleeding and pain around the anus area, you should visit the Best Hemorrhoids hospital in Chandigarh.
Hemorrhoids, often known as piles, are a common complication of pregnancy. However, the causes of your hemorrhoids during pregnancy may differ from those of normal hemorrhoids.
During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through a lot of physical, emotional, and hormonal changes. Hemorrhoids can easily be treated or prevented with home remedies and lifestyle changes.
But before we get into treatment, let’s learn more about hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
Types of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy
During Pregnancy, Hemorrhoids can be differentiated into two categories that are as below.
Internal hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids that originate within the rectum. Detecting and diagnosing them is difficult because they’re hidden inside the rectum. However, internal hemorrhoids can prolapse and expand outside the anal hole.
They form in an area devoid of nerve endings. Internal hemorrhoids can produce bleeding, but they rarely cause pain. However, if an internal hemorrhoid prolapses, it can cause excruciating discomfort.
External hemorrhoids
These hemorrhoids develop outside the anus area and form surrounding the anus area. External hemorrhoids can enlarge or create a blood clot.
These clots that form in hemorrhoids can be extremely painful. They’re usually hidden behind skin that has become exceedingly sensitive and irritated. It’s also worth mentioning that this soreness typically improves in the first 48 hours and improves over several days.
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy
Although symptoms may vary from patient to patient, there are a few significant symptoms below.
Internal hemorrhoids symptoms may include:
- Rectal bleeding occurs when a person moves their bowl and sees bright crimson blood.
- A person with a prolapsed hemorrhoid may experience hanging hemorrhoids through the anus. In this condition, a person may feel discomfort and pain.
External hemorrhoids symptoms may include:
- Itchiness around anus
- Hard lump near the anus along with pain
- Worsen pain around the anus while sitting. Pain increase with the strain on the anus area.
Causes of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy
A woman goes through a lot during pregnancy. As the time passes and the size of the baby increases, it creates pressure on the internal organs of a woman. Additional weight creates pressure on the pelvic, resulting in swollen veins. It might cause various problems in the lower body, such as hemorrhoids.
However, according to medical practitioners, there are several reasons for Hemorrhoids during Pregnancy:
- The pressure of increasing weight
- Blood volume
- Chronic constipation
- Irregular bowel movements
- Low fiber intake
- Lifting heavy things
- Weak tissue around the anus
As per studies, more than 45% of women face the problem of constipation during pregnancy.
Hemorrhoids that develop during pregnancy may disappear completely after the baby is born. Hormone levels, intra-abdominal pressure blood drop after delivery, and hemorrhoids usually disappear without treatment.
Hemorrhoids are most common in women during their third trimester, as weight gain plays a big part in the condition. Many women experience this difficulty right after giving birth. Stress and labor pain during delivery can also be a reason for Hemorrhoids.
Treatment for Hemorrhoids during Pregnancy
There are a variety of home treatments that can assist in relieving symptoms such as discomfort, itching, and inflammation. However, ignoring the signs and symptoms is never a good idea.
Untreated hemorrhoids might lead to further troubles.
Movement is important
During pregnancy, it’s crucial to keep moving. Pregnancy exercises should be done on a regular basis by a pregnant woman. It is natural to feel uneasy when sitting for an extended period of time. Therefore, always try to walk after every 60 minutes.
Kegel Exercises
The doctors very much recommend these exercises to improve the strength of pelvic floor muscles. For this exercise, you need to tighten your pelvic floor muscles first, hold them for 3-5 seconds, and relax them. You can repeat it ten times or more as per your convenience; however, ensure your bladder is empty.
Avoid constipation
Constipation is the base of many critical health issues. To avoid constipation, one can follow some good eating habits. Consume high-fiber foods along with whole grains. Also add different fruits and vegetables, with plenty of water. Consuming water at the right time and the right amount helps to digest the food and reduce the chances of constipation.
Release pressure
If you’re sitting or standing, try not to stay in the same posture for too long. Being in the same position for an extended amount of time can put pressure on your lower body’s veins. As a result, try to place a pillow when sitting. You can also set a pillow under your bottom. You might find more comfort in a rocking chair or a recliner.
Treating irritation
Bathing in warm water might assist in relieving discomfort and inflammation. It can even help you get rid of itchiness. You can also use an ice pack to help reduce swelling.
There are several reasons for Hemorrhoids during pregnancy, as we have discussed earlier. But the main reason is increased pressure on the pelvis due to the baby’s weight. You also can’t dispute that constipation is a severe problem that must be addressed in order to avoid long-term complications.
High blood pressure is another issue that can wreak havoc on a pregnant woman’s health. Comprehensive care, medical advice, and home remedies can all help to improve the issue.
A woman should also consult her doctor before taking any medicine to treat her symptoms to ensure that it is safe.
Although Hemorrhoids during pregnancy subside after birth, if you are experiencing excessive bleeding and pain, it is suggested to seek consultation and treatment at a Best Piles hospital in Chandigarh. Chaudhary Hospital provides the best treatment for Hemorrhoids with an expert team and advanced technology in Chandigarh.