
Do I feel safe psychologically?

The importance of psychological safety in organizational well-being.

In the workplace, the nature of tasks is undergoing a major change.

Modularity, predictability, routine aspects are giving way to tasks that require judgment.

To propose new ideas communication and uncertainty management.

These changes increasingly place the role of workers’ expressive possibilities in the dynamics of an organization in the foreground.

And it is thanks to the workers and managers that it is essential to establish a climate of psychological security.

For this reason, it is sometimes better to ask for occupational safety advice which could help many workers.

Which makes people free to express themselves and achieve high goals.

The term “psychological safety” was born in 1990.

It is important that workplaces are as “psychologically safe” as possible, since in such environments.

Workers can feel free to make mistakes and to share these mistakes with others.

Without feeling humiliated, embarrassed or even , punished.

This also applies to sectors where you work with hazardous materials such as asbestos removal companies see section rimozione amianto it would be better to have psychological counseling from time to time.

Therefore, a work environment free from prejudice and judgment is created. In which mutual trust is enjoyed, and open to personal and corporate growth.

It is therefore important that, in order to guide the behavior of our colleagues and collaborators.

A communication is generated that is based on the concept of psychological safety.

As defined, safety is a group-wide phenomenon that generates learning of effective communication patterns.

Which are reflected in the creation of equally effective behaviors and better work performance.

An essential part of the process of generating a climate of psychological security is as previously mentioned

Trust, which plays a role in sharing knowledge as well as in mediating the process.

Very often, within organizations in which there is no climate of psychological safety.

Workers are afraid of being judged in expressing an opinion that may turn out to be wrong.

In a psychologically safe organization, on the other hand the exchange of opinions.

And ideas is encouraged, in order to stimulate learning and insight.

The absence of fear of a potential judgment creates in the worker a sense of trust in himself and his team.

Greater engagement with the company and a drive to achieve new and better company goals.

To create a “psychologically safe” work environment it is necessary to make changes above all to the communication.

Between colleagues and by superiors; it is necessary to invite participation in corporate matters, refraining from judging the ideas proposed.

Furthermore, it is recommended to react productively, expressing appreciation.

In case of success and avoiding condemning failure with, of course.

Punishments except when there are obvious violations: in this way it is possible to obtain an orientation aimed at continuous learning.

Another way to generate a similar climate is to motivate the efforts of workers, in such a way as to make them understand the importance that everyone has in the fate of the organization.

Finally, it would be right to propose a continuous self-assessment of company leadership, to ensure that the learning process does not involve only workers, but also direct superiors.

Implementing this series of virtuous behaviors brings benefits not only as regards the morale of the worker but also material and more immediately tangible advantages for the organization.

It improves the probability that an attempt to innovate the process will be successful.

Improves the learning process from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, it increases employee involvement (the so-called “engagement”) and improves the quality of innovation.

Other measurable benefits are the reduction of accidents at work.

The reduction of staff turnover since there is less chance that a motivated and loyal employee.

Who feels appreciated within his own organization, seeks another job in another organization .

In this regard, a research by colleagues, published in the “State of the American Workplace report”.

Showed that, in the United States of America.

Only 3 out of 10 employees can say that their opinions in the company really matter, and which are therefore taken seriously.

From the same research it is possible to note that virtuous companies, with a psychologically safe climate, there is a reduced turnover of personnel and fewer accidents at work.

Having clarified what psychological security is it is right to clarify what it is not.

In the first place, a psychologically secure climate does not necessarily indicate that it is formed by friendships; moreover.

A psychologically safe climate is made up of people who will express their ideas and concerns regardless of their way of entering into a relationship, be it extroverted or shy.

Furthermore, it does not mean lowering the level of work performance.

Psychological security allows you to make mistakes in environments with high standards, but the will to remedy it is essential.

Thanks to strong motivational forces, thus generating increasingly better learning and performance areas.

By virtue of the considerations set out above.

There is a clear need in organizations to adopt a leadership style oriented towards the development of new forms of communication.

In order to generate and preserve high levels of psychological security, motivation and work commitment among workers.

For a leadership it is possible to understand if he is promoting psychological safety within his team.

Firstly, it is useful to encourage workers to express their thoughts, convergent or divergent, secondly, it is advisable to listen actively to the requests and ideas of the workers.

Since it is one of the primary forms of learning, it is useful to act with rapid corrective actions, in order to avoid an excess of frustration on the part of those who made mistakes.

In the health emergency that affects all companies globally, a communication style aimed at psychological safety would be desirable.

The adoption of safety behaviors in an emergency context must represent an internalized value system.

Which therefore naturally must also be expressed in future and desirable different contexts.

In this regard, I believe that it is appropriate for each company to create its own narrative of the ability to manage the emergency crisis in order to give strength to the value of this potential.

Generating a sense of alliance and collaboration within an organization is a challenge not only for the present but also for the future.

Components such as trust, teamwork, flexibility, empathy are facilitating elements in the management not only of the current crisis but also of future crises.

Instead, the company’s excessive control over each process.

The reluctance to express the potential and ideas of its employees for fear of creating further instability.

Can generate adverse reactions of the worker against the organization.

Another aspect not to be punished but to be considered positively is the organizational friction.

The organizational silence of the collaborators on the future and rhetorical optimism must be avoided.

Therefore in favor of a mentality open to change, experimentation and proactive.

It is therefore important that the company listens to its workers, both in terms of proposals and ideas.

In terms of concerns, generating what can be defined as “empathic listening”, aimed at understanding moods, managing them and to solve them collectively.

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