Best Tips to Plan Zero-Waste Trip

Green travel is becoming a thing. Indeed, more and more travelers are opting out for sustainable ways to enjoy their trips, while reducing their carbon footprint and negative environmental effects. We won’t go too far in explaining why responsible tourism is important, however in this article we will share some of the best tips to plan your zero-waste trip and contribute to greener and healthier planet.
How to Plan Zero-Waste Trip – Best Tips and Recommendations
In the modern world traveling and reducing the waste has become the top priorities for many people, as well as for many countries. While some people still think that traveling is negatively affecting the environment, this is not entirely true. Traveling and Reducing the Waste are mutually beneficial: reducing waste helps the environment, while traveling lets us experience the beauty of the world.
Zero-waste travel may seem daunting. The shelves are lined with mini-sized shampoos, sun creams, and deodorants, which offer consumers convenience in short-term, disposable products. However, there are several tips that will teach you how to reduce your waste and plan greener, more responsible and zero-waste trip.
Avoid Using Papers
While planning the trip make sure that you use as less paper as possible. Before the development of modern technology printing out every single document, including travel insurances, boarding passes, visas and visa-waivers were detrimental part of each trip. However, today there is no need to show up at the airport with bunch of papers in your hand. While storing all the important documents in one folder of your gadget is more comfortable, it significantly decreases the usage of papers.
Book Direct Flights If Possible
If you have the possibility to book the direct flights, go for it. One advantage of direct flights is that you avoid all the hassle and bustle of moving from one plane to another at the transfer airport. Second, and the biggest advantage is that it significantly reduces carbon emissions and your carbon footprints.
Pay Environmental Fees While Booking the Flight Ticket
Another way to reduce your carbon footprint is to pay a small fee when booking the flight. Most of the airlines, as well as bus services offer you to pay up to 1$ to compensate for the environmental damage you bring to the planet. While this is only optional feature, we highly recommend to do it. By doing so, on the one hand, you recognize the importance of more responsible travel and on the other hand, you contribute to greener planet. This is because most of the airlines use this money for different environmental campaigns, like planting the trees, donating to environmentalist organizations etc.
Always Have Reusable Water Bottle with You
Traveling is very demanding. Especially if you are walking a lot. Therefore, it’s only natural that you will need a lot of water. Instead of buying new bottles of water every time you are thirsty, try to opt out for greener solution. – Have a reusable water bottle with you that you can fill up at the restaurants or bars. This not only reduces your waste, but also saves you a good chunk of money.
Stay in Hostels
You might be thinking how staying at hostel can help you to be more environmentally-friendly. Well, most of the hostels provide dormitory rooms to its guests. This means that when the light is on in a dormitory at least six people are benefiting from the light. Now imagine if these six people were in different rooms. They would consume six times more electricity than it is necessary. Moreover, hostels allow you to cook your own food, enabling you to control your food waste. Plus, you get to save a lot of money on accommodation in case of staying at hostels.
The importance of green and responsible travel has never been higher than it is today. In this article we provided some of the very best tips to reduce your waste and plan more environmentally-friendly trip. We hope that you will find these tips useful and your next trip will be nothing but a perfect example of greener and more sustainable travel.