Benefits of a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Tire Pressure Monitoring System

The main function of the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) is to monitor the tire pressure and send real-time information to the driver. The main purpose of using such a system is to avoid some dangerous situations such as traffic accidents, unstable tire condition, increased tire wear and low fuel consumption. Many drivers may wonder: how does TPMS work? Before we come up with a clear answer on how the system works, we need to go over some of the benefits of TPMS.
The Unique Benefits of a Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Before we come up with a clear answer about how the system works to the question: “How does TPMS work?”, we need to go through some of the benefits of TPMS. The tire not only leaks air to leak, but also naturally. So if you don’t do regular maintenance, expect your tires, even new ones, to lose at least 10% of their original pressure within a year.
The tire will serve well at the correct inflation pressure. Underinflated tires can cause many problems and in extreme cases, even destroy them. The tire pressure sensor system has unique advantages. Let’s first have a brief discussion about them:
1. Extends Tire Life
The primary reason for tire failure is under-inflated tires. Such a situation may result in thermal and mechanical overload, which may destroy the sidewalls, the casing, the ply, or perhaps the tyre. Therefore, a tyre air pressure sensor will prevent such mishaps by transmitting real-time data. However, under-inflation is not the main cause of a tire’s unexpected failure. The above conditions can also occur when hitting potholes or sharp objects while driving on the road. The TPMS cannot detect symptoms when the pressure level drops due to damage.
2. Increases Fuel Efficiency
Underinflated tires waste a lot of fuel. The waste level is around 10%, which means that a tire with 10% less inflation will be 1% less fuel efficient. So keeping your tire pressure at the right level can improve mileage by reducing fuel consumption. A tire pressure monitoring system can save you money in several ways. This will reduce costly downtime and save you the money you have to spend on repairing damaged tires. In addition, it also saves money by burning less fuel, thereby increasing gas mileage.
3. It Improves Road Safety
Punctured tires can cause unpredictable handling at high speeds. Because of this, they tend to cause accidents due to sudden failure. In fact, they are directly related to many injuries and deaths from traffic accidents each year. TPMS continuously monitors tire pressure, so the driver knows when it’s time to visit the garage. The tires ensure better stability even when driving at high speed. They also provide better braking and handling efficiency. As a result, you can expect greater safety in everyday driving conditions.
4. Improves Environmental Safety
The tires are also environmentally friendly. If your tires are underinflated, they release more carbon monoxide into the air than normal. That’s why TPMS can help you keep your carbon footprint low. Thus, a tire pressure monitoring system can not only save your money and time, but sometimes your life by preventing traffic accidents.