In security guard services a good security guard must have these habits.
Punctuality: This is an essential quality for this profession. To start a mission on time or take over from colleagues, a security guard must always be in advance. This is an essential basis of this profession.
Introduction: The security guard is often the first person a visitor meets. It must therefore reflect a professional image. His dress, his posture, and his attitude must be impeccable.
Mastery of the French language: in crises, an agent must be able to communicate very clearly orally. Some agents must also write reports and must therefore be comfortable writing.
Calm and diplomacy: a good security guard must know how to defuse conflict situations by remaining calm and demonstrating psychology.
Endurance: An agent must demonstrate endurance to remain vigilant when the days or nights are long.
Respect for rules and hierarchy: an error that can have significant repercussions for the end customer and the employer; a good agent must rigorously respect the instructions given by his hierarchy and the prevention plans over time.
Strong nerves: a security guard can be confronted with crises such as an intrusion or a fire. He needs to keep a cool head and make the right decisions without panicking.
Security guard statistics
In 2018, the average age of an employee in private security was 40 years old. (He was 37 in 2008)
The average seniority of an employee was 6.5 years in 2018. (It was only 4.5 years in 2008)
In 2018, 45% of private security employees worked in Ile-de-France.
The share represented by night hours (from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.) constitutes approximately 25% of the total hours worked.
What kind of service to expect from a security guard?
The security guard profession has been widely democratiz over the past twenty years. We encounter different types of security guards in multiple situations arising from daily life: in supermarkets and shopping centers, in the morning when arriving at the office or the factory, at the entrance to public administrations (town hall, CAF, etc.), at the entrance and inside the stadiums, at th enterance of gate community service etc. Customer expectations are, therefore, generally in line with the reality of the business. The received idea that a security guard is necessarily a big and sturdy man is no longer relevant. For example, the build of a fire officer or a dog officer is of little importance. Nevertheless, an agent with an impressive size will be more dissuasive,
In most situations, a good security guard is consistently calm, pedagogical, and diplomatic and will be able to defuse conflict situations. It is also quite common for very aggressive people to calm down quickly on their own when they find themselves confronted by a respectful and serene officer. An agent interest in remaining calm to avoid aggravating the situation and not end up in a fight that could cost him the renewal of his professional card. Having training in first aid, a good security guard will also be able to react effectively in the event of an accident or illness.
Like any other citizen, a security officer does not have the right to use force, except in self-defense, provided that this defense remains proportionate to the attack suffered. Still, like any other citizen, an officer can apprehend a thief caught red-handed to hand him over to the police. If he witnesses a theft, an officer will try to make the confrontation as discreet as possible and not humiliate the thief, according to what he was taught during his training
On the other hand, since the 2018 law, human surveillance, video surveillance, and guarding agents can carry category D weapons as part of their duties, provided they have passed the necessary training. They have obtained certification, and the authorization required. See paragraph on arming security guards. Remember that carrying on oneself (or transporting in one’s vehicle) a category D weapon is prohibit for an ordinary citizen.
Use the services of security guards
Security guards: a service to be outsourced
Security services are services that are strongly recommended to be outsource. Indeed, monitoring is a sector that must be well known to make the right decisions. Therefore, it is easier to go through an agency rather than trying to hire a security guard directly.
The criteria on which to select your service provider are, therefore:
The reliability, the seriousness, and the professionalism released by the agency during your exchanges with it.
The company’s situation must be regular, at the level of its authorization to exercise issued by the CNAPS, and about the payment of its taxes and its social security contributions. You can ask the service provider to provide you with their administrative file and supporting documents, in particular, if your request relates to a long-term service. You will find more information on this subject in our article on choosing your security company.
And finally, the price must be competitive, without being too low. A price that is too low is a negative signal, which can hide irregularities. You can consult our price list for security guards to determine the recommended prices.
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