What are the important rules in chess for beginners?

It’s never too late to learn how to play chess the main board game in the world and also a developmental game for children ! Learn the rules and learn how to succeed in chess!
Chess board.
Every commander must, of course, research the area and terrain where he will be planning and fighting wars. A chess player will find it simpler in this sense because he will conduct all of his battles on a common chessboard’s “terrain.” However, skilled players carefully study this “terrain,” learn each cell’s correct name and color by heart, and are aware of where the most intense battles are likely to break out on the board and which pieces are best to bring there.
Do not neglect the study of the chessboard!
A square is divided into black and white squares, or fields, and serves as the battlefield where you must engage in chess conflicts. In total, there are 64 fields—32 white and 32 black.
Alternating black and white fields appear on the board, and it appears to be symmetrical, so no matter which way you spin it, nothing will change. Though it isn’t. Make sure the left corner field nearest to you is black before the game begins.
The 8-field rows and columns opposing each of the numbers and letters are referred to as horizontals and verticals, respectively. The horizontals and verticals are therefore denoted by their corresponding number or letter. Vertical a, vertical b, etc. alternatively horizontal 1, horizontal 2 Each field thus has a vertical and a horizontal component, giving rise to the name “coordinates” for each field. For instance, the field f4 refers to a field that is both on the horizontal 4 and the vertical f. Diagonals are the fields on a chessboard that are the same color and on the same axis.
Rules for the movement of figures.
On the battlefield, chess armies are positioning face to face. Before the conflict, the parties’ forces were completely equal, and the generals’ skill and knowledge were the only factors influencing the outcome. Each army has its pawns arranged in a line.
Black has eight pawns on the seventh rank, while White has eight on the second rank. The pawns are followed by the pieces.
- rooks stand at the corners of the board:
- horses stand next to the rooks:
- next to the horses – elephants:
- in the center, behind the pawn phalanx, becomes the queen:
- and beside him the king:
The rook
The rook is a simple yet effective piece that can move a large number of squares either horizontally or vertically. It is the long-range artillery of chess.
The bishop can move as many squares diagonally as any other long-range piece in chess. Each bishop can only move on squares of the same color, either only on white or only on black, as is immediately obvious. He will proceed along the fields of the same color until the end of the field on which the bishop initially found himself. Elephants are hence referred to as white-field and black-field, respectively.
The queen, which combines the powers of the rook and the bishop, is the strongest piece in the game. can move any number of free spaces diagonally, horizontally, or vertically in a straight line.
The most sly figure is the horse. The knight is not like that if the other pieces all travel directly along clear paths. It makes a dramatic 900-degree turn in either direction after traveling two squares straight in either a horizontal or vertical manner. The knight in position b6 can move as shown in the diagram. He crosses squares b7 and b8 before turning and standing on c8. It turns out to be a path that looks a lot like the letter “G.” The phrase “The horse walks with the letter G” is therefore simple to recall. You can also spin this “letter” as you like.
The knight is the only piece that, after every move, modifies the field’s horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and color, which is an intriguing trait.
Another tactic used by the knight is his ability to “take the barrier” and “jump” over adjacent pieces while moving. The knight on b1 is surrounded by pawns and a bishop as shown in the picture, and it appears that it must wait until it is free to move before it may proceed. For any other piece, this would be accurate, but not for the knight. The barrier is easily surmounted by the knight, who can also jump to squares a3, c3, or d2 at the player’s request.
The most important and valuable figure. In a game of chess, the objective is to checkmate your opponent by capturing his king.
Like the queen, the king can travel in any direction—horizontally, vertically, diagonally—but only inside one field.
The infantrymen of the chess army are calling pawns. The pawn resembles a Roman legionnaire in terms of its traits.A legionnaire who is fighting alone after being cut off from the formation is weak; nevertheless, in the formation, when the legionnaires are grouping together and encouraging by one another, anyone can be easily pushing aside. The legionnaire phalanx is destining to advance only in combat. The formation of legionary infantrymen always proceeds slowly and inexorably in the direction of the enemy until other types of forces, such as cavalry or archers, can maneuver, move back, or to the side. To turn or retreat is to defy the rules and perish.