The Incredible Story Of Lab Grown Diamonds.

What is a Diamond?
A diamond is the hardest substance known to man and the only one which can truly last forever. Unfortunately, this makes diamonds rare and very expensive to purchase. most people are limited to synthetic versions of the gem. But what if you could get all the benefits of owning a diamond without having to pay thousands of dollars? Well, that’s exactly what Lab Grown Diamonds are offering as an alternative to natural diamonds, and their popularity is skyrocketing among consumers who want something special without breaking the bank.
Quick Facts About Lab Grown Diamonds.
Lab Grown Diamonds are created in a process called Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). In CVD, tiny carbon crystals are grown in a vacuum chamber and for diamonds. This is not to be confused with cubic zirconia which is a synthetic diamond simulant (not real diamonds) and results from some fancy heating techniques that can be done on a variety of minerals but do not create true diamonds. Lab Grown diamonds are also very different from naturally mined diamonds, an extremely rare gemstone whose value is entirely dependent on supply vs.
How are Lab-Grown Diamonds Made?
It all starts with a tiny piece of rough carbon which is placed into a powerful microwave chamber. The microwaves cause carbon atoms to bond, layer by layer, forming a diamond. That small piece of rough becomes a beautiful 1-carat lab grown diamonds within just 6 weeks. Then it’s cut and polished to bring out its natural beauty. You can have your gorgeous lab-grown diamond today for about $4,000 — that’s up to 80% less than what you’d pay for an organic one (if you could even find one at that price)! Not only are lab-grown diamonds beautiful and affordable, but they’re also eco-friendly!
Why Choose Lab-Grown Over Natural?
The technology needed to grow diamonds in a lab has existed for decades, but it wasn’t until recently that they could compete with natural diamonds on both quality and price. In addition to getting a diamond at an affordable price, you can also be confident that lab grown diamonds gems are conflict-free. How do you know if your diamond is conflict-free? If it was mined or produced in any way, chances are it isn’t and the benefits don’t stop there. Lab-grown diamonds lly chemically identical to naturally occurring ones; they come from carbon dioxide in a lab instead of underground.
What Are the Similarities Between Natural and Synthetic?
Lab-grown diamonds are identical to natural diamonds in nearly every respect, including their physical and chemical properties. The main difference is that lab-grown diamonds are grown in a controlled environment, rather than mined from beneath the Earth’s surface. Lab-grown diamonds don’t involve environmental destruction or exposure to dangerous chemicals; neither do they involve harm to any animals used for food. They are also chemically indistinguishable from natural diamonds and cost significantly less than mined stones of similar quality. They may as well be natural.
Is it Worth the Cost of Lab-Grown vs. Natural?
Lab-grown diamonds are now available at a much more reasonable price than natural diamonds. For example, you can purchase lab-grown gemstones that look so much like a natural diamond they are difficult to distinguish from one another. However, it’s easy to assume that lab grown diamonds are still many times more expensive than their naturally grown counterparts. It’s hard to know whether or not it is worth it to spend thousands of dollars on a lab-grown diamond ring instead of purchasing an equally stunning and perhaps even more valuable natural diamond for far less money. But before we attempt to determine if your money would be better spent on an authentic stone or its synthetic counterpart, let’s take a closer look at what exactly makes these two types of jewelry different from one another.
What are Lab Grown Diamonds Made from? How are they Created?
Most mined diamonds come from Brazil, Botswana, Russia, India, and Canada. In each of these countries, diamonds are created deep within Earth’s mantle layer—the transition zone between Earth’s core and its surface. Here they crystallize around a mineral called kimberlite that acts as a seed. So how do lab grown diamonds compare? They’re created in a process known as chemical vapor deposition (CVD diamonds), which starts with breaking apart hydrocarbon gas molecules into carbon atoms. Next, those atoms are heated to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit and then added to a solution containing diamonds dissolved in liquid ammonia.
So what are lab-grown diamonds? They are a diamond that has been created in a laboratory, with immense precision and care. They have much of the same look and feel as natural diamonds but at a fraction of cost. Perfect for gifts, they can be easily tailored to your taste while still adhering to your budget. You can’t buy love but you can get pretty close with lab grown diamonds!