Now that digital marketing has taken over, there are a lot of platforms out there for writers and bloggers to be heard. It used to be that people only had one or two options for getting their content out there. Now, it’s become more difficult to decide which platform is best for your content. The good news is that you don’t need to worry about finding the perfect platform for your needs because we’ve done all the work for you.
We’ve created this list of the 5 best guest posting services, so you can just pick one and let us do the rest! We did our research, talked with other writers and independent bloggers to find the best services out there. Because of this, we have narrowed it down to five choices that are both high quality and affordable. In no time at all, you can get your content seen by thousands with these five fantastic guest posting services!
The 5 Best Guest Posting Services
Blogging platforms:
- Guest Writer – This platform allows you to make guest posts on some of the most popular blogs out there, such as Forbes and Entrepreneur.
- Contently – Contently is a top guest posting service that allows you to write blog posts for popular sites like The New York Times and Huffington Post.
- Contentful – This is one of the best platforms for bloggers looking to gain an audience quickly. You can also have your content published on publications like Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, and more!
- Blogger’s Eye View – This site makes it easy for bloggers and writers to submit their articles with fewer steps than other platforms. There are over 36 million monthly visitors who turn to this platform for original content!
- Guest Bloggers Hub – If you’re just starting out in blogging or looking for a way to build up your writing portfolio, Guest Bloggers Hub is a great place to start!
How to Get Started with Guest Posting
Now that you have your content picked out, it’s time to get started with guest posting. First, you want to find a blog with a good audience that is related to the topic of your blog. Then you want to fill out the contact form for their submission guidelines and submit your post. After your post is accepted, it should be up in the next 24 hours or less!
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#1 Guest Blogger App: Blogger Profits
Blogger Profits is one of the most popular guest blogging services on the market because they have an easy-to-use interface and they pay bloggers quickly. There are no fees involved in this service. You can sign up and start getting paid today!
5 Different Types of Guests
There are five types of guests that you can use to get your content seen. They include guest posts, sponsored posts, social media coverage, email marketing, and digital advertising. Each of these guest posting services has its own unique strengths.
The first type is a guest post. With a guest post, you can put your content in front of an audience through a platform like Medium or Huffington Post. You will be given the opportunity to reach new readers who may not have otherwise found your blog by using a reputable platform with an established readership.
The second type of guest posting service is sponsored posts on platforms such as Bloglovin and Shareaholic. Sponsored posts don’t require you to pay anything up-front and instead rely on advertisements from the company that pays to have their ads shown with your content.
Social media coverage is another great way to make sure that your content gets out there for all Instagram followers and Facebook fans to see. It’s becoming more common for businesses of any size to go this route because it doesn’t require any upfront cost or lengthy contracts–just good old-fashioned social media outreach!
The third type of guest posting service includes email marketing campaigns like MailChimp or Campaign Monitor where you select which emails you want to be sent to your list when they sign up for updates or an email campaign. You also have the option of setting up automated email campaigns so that whenever someone signs up for one of these services, they automatically
What Makes a Good Guest Post
ing Service
The most important thing to look for in a guest posting service is the quality of their work. You want to make sure that you’re going with a company that has a proven track record and an excellent reputation. This will ensure that your content is not only seen but it’ll also be shared on social media and other platforms.
You should also watch out for high costs because those can quickly add up. If you end up paying upwards of $5,000 for one guest post, it can really put a damper on your finances. However, if you have the money to spend and don’t mind paying, then these top five services are perfect for you!
Guest posting is a great way to get your content out there, build more followers and get your business seen by new eyes. It’s proven to be a fruitful strategy for businesses that are looking for the bigger picture.
With that being said, here are five of the best guest posting services to help you get your content out there.