SEO Myths, and Why You Shouldn’t Believe Them: Advice from SEO Professionals

What search engine optimization principle did you think was true but ultimately turned out to be a myth?
Stevie Howard — “DA. My SEO colleague and I were investigating it for a customer when we came across this. We began inquiring around on other forums, and we were DRAGGED. The insults came pouring in. That day, I gained two important pieces of knowledge: first, domain authority (DA) is not a ranking criteria, and second, communities, regardless of how effective their marketing and SEO may be, might have nasty members.
“At the very beginning… Quantity > Quality *gasp*,” said a professor at Bentley University.
Dawn Anderson — “None. To tell you the truth, I am an extremely cynical person who does not fall for any of the verbal BS that is spread about. Academic material that has been peer-reviewed is the best place to go for the truth about beneficial SEO delhi. You need simply consider how it may be used on a more global scale.
Simon Cox: “Actually I’m with Dawn on this – I couldn’t think of anything I genuinely believed in then found out it was a myth.” Dawn: “I couldn’t think of anything I truly believed in then found out it was a myth.” Unless I can make it work, everything is a phoney!”
“Doing keyword research for organic was exactly the same as conducting it for pay-per-click,” said Maddie Clark. At the beginning of my work, I made quite a few mistakes related to search engine optimization (SEO), but that one definitely deserves a face palm. Even spoke with the customer about the amount of money they were willing to pay…
The statement made by Jason Brown, “That there was no benefit in nofollow links.”
Tod Cordill: “If you build it, people will come.” [Translation: #MarketingMyth”
What are some effects that you have experienced as a direct result of an SEO Myth that you have heard about?
Bill Slawski said, “I have seen individuals make poor judgments regarding modifications to their websites because they assumed that they were being affected by an upgrade (when they weren’t), and they made changes that did not make their websites any better.” (You Must Exercise Caution When Making Your Diagnosis!)”
Itamar Blauer:
“Someone felt that in order to rank highly, you would need as many words as possible on your pages.” [Citation needed] They wrote a piece for their blog that was 16,000 words long. That post did not rank in any of the relevant categories.
Sam Harries said, “Oh my gosh, I feel like I could write a book on this subject.” The one that sticks out in my mind the most is a tiny company who decided to noindex their entire website out of the paranoia that Google would scrape their data and sell their items, causing them to go out of business. They came dangerously close to bringing it on themselves.”
Diana Richardson: “Customers make decisions on their own based on what they’ve seen, heard, and read.” A customer of mine previously insisted, despite my assurances to the contrary, that they were required to update the content on their site once each week. They intended to eliminate my contributions. Every. Week. Google didn’t like that.”
According to Dawn Anderson, “the duplicate content fallacy”
and “inappropriate content pruning merely because something has not received traffic for a while” are two of the WORST SEO falsehoods that are currently circulating on the internet. I’ve seen individuals practically set fire to their websites rather than working to enhance the material or increase the quality to quantity ratio.
“Had a customer with hundreds of pages of duplicate-ish material (thinking it would assist their site), but almost none of those pages were being seen, and some of those pages had nothing to do with their business,” Rajam Roose said. They suffered a significant blow as a result of the Medic upgrade.”
“Going back some years, the aftermath of when Google really became serious about link spam,” said Michael Ramsey. My early years as an SEO were marked by an excessive amount of time spent cleaning up the mistakes left behind by previous companies and SEOs.
“A LOT of time was spent doing and redoing things, rather than performing comprehensive study before hand,” said
David Cohen: “Individuals losing their jobs, customers losing money, and organisations losing ground to rivals are all outcomes that I’ve seen as a result of people believing or peddling SEO fallacies.”
What pieces of advise would you provide to someone who is just starting out in search engine optimization (SEO),
J.P. Sherman:
“My advise for new search engine optimizers” 1. Get some reading up on behavioural science. 2: Have an understanding of the information retrieval process. 3: Become acquainted with statistics on a fundamental level. 4. Have a solid understanding of how the code operates. 5. Seek out reviews from your peers. 6: There are probably just a few situations in which it will function.
Find others to discuss about SEO with, such as coworkers, SEO Meetup groups, or conferences, and learn how to try out things you read about before you implement them on a client’s website, as suggested by Bill Slawski.
“Ask the #SemrushChat community:) And cross-reference your sources, keeping an eye on the date those blog articles were written,” said Alizée Baudez. It’s possible that something that was true two years ago isn’t true now.
Read up on what @bill slawski has discovered in patents and what @dawnieando has discovered in academic research! That’s what Simon Cox recommends. Case studies are beneficial in many ways, but the most important thing is to try it for yourself and see what occurs. Things are always changing and taking on new forms in a variety of dimensions.
Dawn Anderson: “Also, understand that search engine optimization (SEO) is not free from the problem of reproducibility that occurs across the majority of research domains.” You should not instantly apply anything based on single or few situations, even if it has worked in the past for a single brand. Just because it was successful for one brand does not mean that it would be successful for other brands.
How can someone assess the accuracy of the SEO information they have, especially if they are unsure whether or not it is correct?
Bill Slawski — “When I see anything that I have questions about, I may occasionally ping @johnmu or @method or @searchliason or @rustybrick. They can be really helpful when it comes to SEO information that might be wrong (though Gary might be sarcastic, too) (though Gary might be sarcastic, too.)
Stevie Howard — “Ask your peers/community. Have they heard something like this? Or, search for it. Does this ‘fact’ show up in other articles as well? What are industry leaders saying about it?”
Alexis Katherine — “Ask Twitter (but be careful which advice you actually take) (but be careful which advice you actually take). Check some trusted SEO sites and sources. Test and measure where the consequences aren’t very dire.”
Aymen Loukil — “Don’t panic and don’t try to make fast changes to your website. Peer review, ask an SEO consultant, Ask Google representatives, read about the topic and try to demistify the how and why.”
Raghuveer Singh Rao — “Ask your questions to Semrush on Wednesday with #SemrushChat. Join Google Official hours hangout — Follow @JohnMu and ask your question. Ask any SEO who is providing help in SEO field like @bill slawsk. Google it again and again.”
JP Sherman — “Yes, Common Sense is important. It is the beginning of knowledge. However, Common Sense without evidence is what tells you that the earth is flat.”
What are the red flags that help to distinguish a true SEO expert from an impostor?
Bill Slawski — “Experts show off their expertise by their words & actions & whether they share their accomplishments (awards, case studies, presentations, etc.) if they tell you what others say about them ‘Forbes calls us the best SEO in the World’ they are engaging in hearsay.”
Alexis Katherine — “Real SEO experts will also offer reasonable time frames for results. Too fast is obviously a red flag, but anyone who says it will take a year to see growth doesn’t know what he’s doing either.”
Maddie Clark — “When you ask them to help you with your SEO and they only suggest fixing the metadata. BIG RED FLAG. there’s more to SEO than meta tags. I have never seen a perfect score on a site health check so yeah that’s a no from me if you’re stopping there.”
Neil Yeomans — “True SEO experts can break things down into simple, *actionable* steps that can be understood by multiple stakeholders, from tech specs for developers, to on-page guidelines for execs. Impostors try to bamboozle with buzzwords, acronyms and needless complexity.”
James Leisy — “My biggest red flag within the SEO industry, is anyone who ‘Guarantees Results’. Also, anyone who can’t show their previous work, can’t trust someone who hasn’t got their hands dirty.”
Simon Cox — “True SEO experts do not ever copy other people SEO posts and pass them off on their own blog even if they claim it was done by a staffer and not themselves. Then you realise they are using SEO as a vehicle to build and sell their company.”
Bill Slawski — “If someone feeds you a bunch of copywriting tricks (very actionable) and similar tactics, but no strategies, it may be all they know. Optimizing pages for Rankbrain by using copywriting tricks shows a limited toolkit and imagination.”
Dawn Anderson — “Terminology is a big give away. The minute they start talking about DA as a ranking factor, or LSI (but can’t explain what it is). Then you know they’re a GuesSEO and to be avoided.
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