Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Literature Review

When writing a literature review, it is important to avoid common mistakes to avoid rejection. Many students review the literature half-heartedly and they face rejections and revisions. It consumes more time and effort, while also costing you grades.
In this blog post, we will outline some of the most commonly made mistakes and provide tips on how to avoid them. Stay tuned for more information on how to write a critical literature review!
What is a Literature Review?
It is a document where a researcher determines the findings on a particular subject by authors. The purpose of literature review is to highlight the gap in the previous research that a researcher can fill with a new research.
An effective review of literature will provide a comprehensive overview of the topic, while also synthesizing the key points of the various sources. It is utmost important to use the references from where you source the data.
Why do you need to put the effort into Literature Review Writing?
A dissertation literature review is a survey of the existing body of research on a given topic. It is important for several reasons.
- First, it helps to identify gaps in the existing research.
- Second, it provides an opportunity to evaluate different approaches to the topic and formulate new hypotheses.
- Third, it helps to situate one’s research within the existing body of knowledge.
- Finally, an effective review can be a valuable tool for grant writing and for impressing potential employers.
5 Flaws to Avoid while Writing A Literature Review
- Don’t neglect to include key authors and texts in your review
A literature’s review is a critical summary of what has been published on a given topic. It is important to include key authors and texts in your review to enhance the credibility. Also, it shows your reader that you are familiar with the field and have considered the key arguments.
However, it is also important to avoid simply repeating what others have said. Instead, your goal should be to synthesize the key points and provide your thoughtful analysis. By doing so, you will be able to contribute something new and valuable to the existing body of scholarly work. If you lack writing skills, you can ask experts to write my dissertation for me to help you.
- Don’t forget to contextualize your literature review within the broader field of study
It is essential to contextualize your research within the broader field of study. This will help the reader to understand the significance of your work and place it in the larger body of knowledge. There are several ways to contextualize your review.
One is to discuss the historical development of the field and how your work fits into this history. Another is to survey the current state of research in the field and identify gaps that your work seeks to fill. Whatever approach you take, contextualization is key to writing an effective literature review.
- Don’t be afraid to challenge existing scholarships and offer new perspectives
A review of literature is not simply a summary of existing scholarship on a given topic. It is an opportunity to challenge existing ideas and offer new perspectives. When reviewing the literature, don’t be afraid to challenge existing scholarship and offer new perspectives. This is what makes your dissertation literature review stand out and contributes to the advancement of knowledge.
Of course, you need to be respectful of other scholars’ work and build on their ideas, but don’t be afraid to offer new perspectives. The counter-arguments you make, must be cited to make it authentic. This is how scholarship advances!
- Don’t make assumptions about the reader’s knowledge or background
You must avoid making assumptions about the reader’s knowledge or background. In particular, you should be careful not to assume the biographical background of the author. For example, if you are reviewing a book by an author from a different country, you should not assume that the reader is familiar with the author’s culture and customs.
Similarly, if you are reviewing a book by an author from a different period, you should not assume that the reader is familiar with the historical context. By avoiding these assumptions, you will make your review more accessible and informative for a wider range of readers.
- Don’t forget to include information about the methodology and theoretical framework
Methodology and theoretical framework are two important aspects of any literature review. The methodology defines how the research will be conducted, while the theoretical framework provides a set of concepts and assumptions that will guide the analysis. Both are essential for ensuring that the research is rigorous and unbiased.
However, many students overlook these important elements when writing their reviews. As a result, their reviews are often incoherent and fail to provide a clear overview of the existing literature. When writing a literature review, it is essential to include information about both the methodology and the theoretical framework. By doing so, you will ensure that your review is clear, concise, and unbiased.
In literature review writing, it is important to avoid making the above mistakes. By avoiding the common pitfalls, you can produce a high-quality review of literature that will help you stand out from the competition. Also, the readers will educate themselves from what the literature has to say. Have you encountered any of these problems when writing your reviews? If so, what solutions did you find worked best for you? Let us know in the comments below.