How Office Design Affects Productivity

The active development and growth of IT business all over the world is changing the office culture. We would like to explain why representatives of successful companies pay attention to the organization of office space and how it affects employees.
If you search for photos of modern office buildings today, you will get a plethora of images in which the office has all your heart desires. Employees in some businesses, for example, have access to not only comfy chairs but also table football and other games. It is believed that this approach can increase the productivity of employees.
You will know how office renovation with a modern office interior design can affect everyone.
First of all, it is beautiful
A bright and spacious office fit out makes you feel comfortable and arouses the desire to work, especially when conditions are created for this, such as a comfortable workplace and a cozy recreation area.
More often, large companies choose a loft style for offices, which implies space, a minimum of elements, and the use of natural materials: wood, stone and glass. In such rooms, you can breathe freely and feel the hidden power. This stimulates the brain and leads to increased performance.
Interior and status
Creative office renovation and design will tell about the company more than a presentation. Therefore, potential investors prefer to meet in the office to assess the level of the company on the spot. From the interior, you can assess the state of affairs, find out if the management cares about employees and guests, and whether they care about the comfort of partners. Good design demonstrates the values of the company. It can show whether the company thinks about the environment, whether they follow the development of technology, whether the management has a sense of beauty.
Interior issues have become so old in the corporate culture that modern giants invest millions in their facilities and compete for the coolest office by hiring world-famous designers. This is logical if you want to attract investors or top specialists. All methods are good. So why not start impressing even at the moment of approaching the office building?
Transition to alternative premises
Change always brings something unknown and complex. To evaluate the impact of the new approach, Ferroni recommends that firms develop a test version and make sure that its goals and results are consistent.
The potential benefit of greater productivity is so great that firms must continually evaluate the performance of their premises. Business models haven’t changed much over the past century. But they’re starting to take off at a rapid pace now. And the shape of the office must change with them. People need to experiment a bit instead of waiting for lease terms or new requirements to force them to change.
According to the latest data, more than 85% of employees of different companies admitted that motivation is important for them. After 6 months of working in the same place, it becomes difficult to maintain productivity at a high level, variety is required. People become more irritable, so it is the design of the room that can either exacerbate nervousness or give employees some peace. Based on this, office design should not be flashy or annoying. After all, employees spend most of their time indoors.
Color influence
It has long been established that color has the ability to alter a person’s psychological state. Color schemes that are tranquil are recommended by experienced designers. Neutral hues work especially well for small indoor spaces. However, some areas can be designed more casually.
Psychologists believe that bright colors can stimulate the creativity of the worker. His creativity is active. Owners of offices with such “bright” zones report that their employees’ productivity increases by 15-20%. If a separate office is being created for a specific employee, designers and psychologists advocate asking him the colors he prefers. This will create an optimal atmosphere for him.