Some do not even realize how magnificent, beautiful, majestic the Maine Coon breed is.
Many have heard that a cat of this species has thick fluffy hair, even more similar to a raccoon than to your usual cat.
Very large animals.
The mass of some individuals reaches 15 kilos, and the length from the nose to the tip of the tail is more than a meter.
If translated from English, then the Maine Coon breed literally means “raccoon from Maine.” Cats are native to North America. They were even recognized as national animals.
This breed is only gaining popularity in our country: nurseries are opening, competitions and exhibitions are being held, champions are appearing.
What do Maine Coon cats look like?
Their coat is silky, long and thick. The tail is fluffy, and when the cat picks it up and spreads it like a peacock, it looks absolutely amazing. Hind legs as if in panties. Short and “sleek” wool is considered a disadvantage, a sign of not purebred.
However, if we consider the coat, then the hairs are different in length (3 different), which gives the animal splendor and softness.
The most varied coloration is recorded.
But the most popular is striped, wild. It is very similar to the color of a wild raccoon.
The head is rather large, the eyes are beautiful, huge, and intelligent, the gaze is deep. The ears are large on the top of the head, with small tassels at the tips. And the mustache, the mustache … Long, all together this gives the cat a special charm.
If we talk about growing up, then representatives of this breed become sexually mature rather late – upon reaching three years of age. Do not try to knit your pet too early, so as not to cause harm to health.
Unfortunately, many worthy cats and cats go unnoticed in professional breeding, although the animals have excellent characteristics, data and pedigree.
The cat is much larger than the cat. Although in nature, males are almost always larger in size and mass of females. Kittens grow quickly, as if by leaps and bounds.
Be careful with your cat’s teeth. The Maine Coon breed originated from wild cats, so their teeth were left from their “hunting” ancestors. If a cat bites you, it will not seem enough. The wound is very deep and takes a long time to heal.
Maine Coon character
This breed has a very calm disposition. The majestic cat has not only smart eyes, he is very smart himself.
Many owners boast that their cats don’t sharpen their claws on furniture like other felines do. Raising them is a pleasure.
However, cats are free-spirited. They need space, so small apartments are not suitable for keeping a Coon cat.
Despite the fact that the cat is quite large, it is almost invisible, although it is next to you. He does not get in the way under your feet, does not get confused, and feels your mood.
Pets are independent
Independent. Cats behave nobly and are very reserved. You can feel “blue blood” in them. The character is calm, balanced.
Only kittens allow themselves to run like crazy. But these are kids, they are forgivable. But the older the cat, the more majestic he behaves.
It’s fun to watch the behavior of Maine Coons.
The way they go to bed is amazing. What funny poses cats do not take, as soon as they do not manage to twist? Almost like a pretzel.
If guests come to you, then you should not worry that the cat will behave inappropriately. The Maine Coon breed is distinguished by politeness, even to strangers. But what they definitely won’t tolerate is if they get into their faces, drag their tails, or be treated with disdain.
Some cat’s meow very disgustingly, but the Maine Coon breed purrs and gives a voice at a pleasant “frequency” for the ears, they will not distract you in vain.
And you won’t hear two identical voices.
In addition, pets remember your intonation and gestures, so when they hear a raised tone, they will quickly hide away. And it’s worth noticing that you smile and give a gesture that you want to stroke or play with an animal, it will headlong fly towards you.
Although the Maine Coon weighs a lot, it runs softly, as it should be for a cat. The floor will not shake, the dishes will not rattle. E
If there are other pets (even dogs), then the animals will play with each other, playing hide and seek or catch up. Cat Kun is very friendly, he will find a common language with another cat, and with a dog, and with kids.
Maintenance of Maine Coon cats
Don’t worry, there’s nothing super complicated about it. Not whimsical pets, but you should not run them either. Three-level wool still requires some care so that it does not get tangled into tangles and does not fall out. However, about 2 months will have to be patient until the cat adapts to new conditions, people.
We have already figured out that this breed requires a spacious area. Despite its innate nobility, it is necessary to educate a kitten from childhood.
Get a few scratching posts, show them to the kitten. Lightly flick the nose or use a spray bottle filled with water to scare the Maine kitten away from the furniture.
Wool requires 2 combs.
One will go for the undercoat, the other for long hairs. To make the coat shine beautifully and always be soft and silky, purchase special shampoos. If poorly looked after, then the cat will constantly shed, thereby, ceases to be fluffy.
Take responsibility for your cat’s diet. He needs vitamins, minerals, fatty acids. Only they will provide the animal with a healthy life.
Surely many people know that for the growth of beautiful wool requires a huge amount of vitamins and fatty (saturated and unsaturated) acids.
Therefore, the diet should consist not only of dry food, but also natural food (fish, meat, vegetables). Don’t forget to put fresh water in.
Don’t forget to trim your nails. This is necessary not only for the safety of your furniture, but also for the health of the Maine Coon. Too long claws cling to carpets, can lead to injury to the cat’s toe. Get special secateurs for this purpose.
A large tray is required, because the cat is not small. Change it in a timely manner. Maine Coons are very clean. They won’t go to a dirty tray, but they won’t do their business in the wrong place (if you raised them).
Common Maine Coon diseases
The most frequently reported are heart diseases. In particular, hypertrophied cardiomyopathy. If not diagnosed in time, the cat may die at an early age. Most often, this disease has a genetic predisposition.
Spinal muscular atrophy is often recorded. This is a genetic disease caused by the “connection” of 2 recessive genes (both parents are either sick or carriers, that is, grandparents were sick).
It is impossible to cure the Maine Coon, the cat experiences wild pain due to the death of neurons that are located in the spinal cord.
Hip dysplasia also often develops in Maine Coon cats.
Although this is not fatal, the animal suffers a lot, its paws (in the thigh area) hurt.
Again, the tendency to this disease is inherited. That is why it is important before purchasing a cat, to get acquainted with the pedigree, to talk with the breeder, and not to grab the first animal that comes across just because you want to.
Another genetic “failure” can cause “culling” from breeding reproduction – polydactyl. This is when there are more fingers on the paws. This does not interfere with the cat’s life in any way, and does not make it a freak. However, it is not worth using in breeding, it is better to immediately castrate or sterilize.