Which type of procedure can harm your hair?

Are your curls lacking shine? In trying to restore hair, you can harm them without realizing it. Therefore, instead of using a myriad of cosmetics, first of all, pay attention to hair care and styling.
Hair care services are so important for hair, but it will be nothing if you keep using bad things for your hair. In this article on the observations of professional hair stylists, we will talk about 8 hair services that can damage your hair. And you most likely do these things with your hair regularly, without thinking about the possible consequences.
A hair band is a great help. It removes hair from the face, but at the same time it is one of the causes of hair damage. The elastic band squeezes the hair, which leads to brittleness. Try to avoid nylon covered elastics as they are the ones that break and tear out the most hair every time you loosen your ponytail! It is better to choose elastic bands from terry cloth and lycra. They are softer and more gentle, and provide an even distribution of pressure around the entire circumference of the ponytail, as well as minimal friction.
High ponytails.
Wearing a high ponytail often has a strong effect on the hair roots (at the crown). This can not only weaken them, but even lead to loss. This is especially true for blondes (whose pigment is etched with blandoran, and their hair is half empty – porous) and girls with thin hair. Try to braid the high ponytail less often or replace it with a different hairstyle.
Drying with a towel and combing wet hair.
The famous stylist from Schwarzkopf – Richard Collins claims: “Wet hair is 50% more brittle. Without knowing this, many comb their hair directly after a shower, considering it safe. Rubbing your hair with a towel is also not an option. During this, the hair breaks and breaks off. In order not to harm the hair, wring out the hair lightly and simply blot with a towel. Alternatively, you can wrap a towel in the form of a turban and hold it for 10-15 minutes. This will allow the moisture to naturally absorb into the fabric without damaging the hair.
Using a hair dryer without a nozzle.
The little accessory that comes with your hair dryer is called a concentrator, and is essential when styling your hair. Using a hair dryer without it can cause irreparable damage to your curls. Thanks to the nozzle, the air is dispersed evenly through the hair and moves it away from the hair without overheating it.
Air drying.
However, air drying your hair without using a hair dryer also has its drawbacks. Many girls with highlighted or dyed hair do not use a hair dryer to prevent further drying. Unfortunately, with this drying, gaziantep bayan escort the hair scales remain in an “open” position and are therefore more prone to damage.
Very wet hair should be dried with a hair dryer in the right direction – from top to bottom, so that the scales lay down in the right way, but do not overheat or overdry them. Wet hair can be left to dry naturally.
Your shampoo.
Over time, hair can be altered by hard water, styling products, and even airborne impurities. According to Schwarzkopf stylist Richard Collins, this makes hair brittle and prone to breakage. Therefore, their needs will also change and the shampoo that suits you before may stop liking them. Therefore, monitor the change in hair behavior and adjust the shampoo to suit their characteristics.
The sun’s rays – hitting the hair with ultraviolet radiation.
We all know the importance of applying sunscreen to your skin. Hair needs protection too! Collins claims that UV can have a negative effect on both natural and dyed hair.
Rare and irregular haircuts
If you’ve ever had long hair, you understand how difficult it is to part with every last strand. We are so connected to our long hair that we are willing to put off getting it cut in order to let it grow a bit longer. There’s nothing wrong with fantasizing about Rapunzel’s hair, but long gaps between haircuts will only aggravate the condition and harm the curls.
Usually, people with long hair think that they can cut their hair less often, because long hair does not need the constant attention of a hairdresser. Even though hair develops from the roots, the tips require extra care and attention. Daily use of detergents that contain harmful sulfates and salts can thin your hair and lead to split ends. Regular trims maintain the integrity of the hair and promote its continuous growth.
Too much air conditioner.
Silky and soft curls are the dream of every woman. That’s why many of us welcome the opportunity to apply more conditioner to our locks. The more it is, the softer the hair, right? Not really. Conditioners are designed to hydrate, not soften, hair. That is why conditioner should be applied to the entire length of the hair, especially at the ends, rather than just the scalp and roots. Avoid using sulfate-containing conditioners and instead use natural masks two to three times a week.