When you have decided to sell your used computer, you should definitely wipe out the crucial data and position with your personal information. Many of us either wipe out the data by the default method available in the PC, or we use a third party utility. However, there are some circumstances where your system is completely dead due to any technical fault. Even if you try, it is still unable to turn on. In this situation, you must definitely wonder” How to wipe a hard drive on a dead computer”
It’s a high riskier to sell a dead computer without even formatting. Anyone can easily access your important data and confidential information, which could result in a bigger loss. To completely format a dead computer, you’ll require another system or a hard drive that can erase data and ensure that your deleted data has been completely gone. To ensure that no data is recovered, it is preferable to wipe a hard drive anytime from anywhere by DIY.
It appears that formatting files from a dead computer is very difficult but not impossible. Both Windows and Mac users can erase data on a dead computer. In this technical guide, we will completely guide you to the best tested and trusted technique to wipe a hard drive on a dead computer.
Reason To Wipe A Hard Drive On A Dead Computer
- When you want to sell a dead computer to any other users.
- When you have bought a new system and want to remove all the data from the dead system.
- To keep secure confidential information unavailable to others.
How To Erase A Hard Drive On A Dead Computer Using Professional Technique?
If you are an internet user, then you must know that there is lots of tools are available on the internet that claims to erase a hard drive on a dead computer. But mostly they are not workable and don’t meet our expectations. So, we suggest that Data Erasure Software is a perfect solution to erase a complete hard drive without leaving any traces behind it. This software is one of the best applications to erase data from a hard drive and after using this tool no one can retrieve back even not by you.
- Install software on your windows desktop and launch it.
- Choose the folder or drive you want to erase.
- Select filter or upload other required folders.
- At last, press the wipe button to begin the data destruction process.
Why Professional Technique Is A Prime Choice For User?
- It allows the use of more than 40+ storage devices.
- This tool is easy to operate by all types of users without having advanced technical knowledge.
- This software offers to delete files as per specific files or folders.
- This application generates a saving log wipe report during the process.
- You can erase files as per date range, and file name, and overwrite data text.
- This is the best data wipe software.
Time To Say Goodbye
To summarize the description, erasing data from a dead computer is very tough but not impossible. If you don’t know the proper solution to erase a hard drive from a dead computer, you can still do it easily. We have discussed the safe and tested application . You can select this application for your data wipeout because it’s completely safe and secure.
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